Prayer | The Passion And The Power


Prayer the Passion and the PowerPrayer - The Passion and the Power is a conference on the ministry of prayer that strengthens and encourages the Christian Church to lay a foundation through prayer that will clear the way for personal, national, and international revival.

We believe that prayer should be the hallmark of every Christian's life. Not only is it God's ordained vehicle by which believers commune with Him, but it's also the life-giving force by which all Christian endeavors are to be birthed and implemented. 

It is evident that we have fallen far from God's holy standard. The wickedness of our times compels Christians to take up the mantle of prayer like never before. Powerful, authoritative, and prevailing prayer not only characterizes the Church as triumphant, but will also lead us to experience a visitation of God so breathtaking in its scope, so immense in its power, and so redemptive in its love that it will alter the course of human history.

What To Expect

Prayer - The Passion and the Power is a two-day conference on prayer.

During the conference, we explore how to experience a greater movement of God amongst His people in the realm of answered prayer. In addition, we discover how making some simple course corrections can bring our lives and the life of our nation back into alignment with God's purposes and original intent. The subject matter offered at this conference empowers believers to pray with greater authority, fervency, and expectation.  This presentation is not just another ''how to'' seminar on the Christian life. It is intended to challenge, strengthen, and deepen the walk of every follower of Jesus Christ. 

Each session is 60-75 minutes in length and includes teaching, worship, and corporate prayer. By concluding each session with prayer we have found it helps immensely to reinforce the principles just covered in that session. Praying together also emboldens and strengthens fellow believers in their pursuit of becoming all God would have them become in their prayer lives.  

Themes covered in the conference are: 

  • Praying from the place of relationship with God
  • The importance of praying passionate prayers 
  • Tapping into God's power and resources 
  • The necessity of living holy lives in order to receive answers to our prayers
  • God's mighty promises
  • Praying from a position of authority and power
  • Faith as large as God Himself
  • Using prayer to alter the course of human history

"The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." - James 5:16

Ready to find out more?

Please feel free to contact us for further information on this conference.